About Udhampur

Udhampur is popularly known as Devika Nagri

Named after Dogra king Raja Udham Singh

The Udhampur district is located in the Shivalik range of Himalayas and the terrain is mostly mountainous. The upper reaches of district experience snowfall in the winter season.

Udhampur is popularly known as ‘land of Devika’ and ‘land of Bowlis, is named after Raja Udham Singh, the eldest son of Maharaja Gulab Singh, the founder of Dogra rule in Jammu and Kashmir.

“Tarikhi – Rajgani Jammu and Kashmir” has a little different version.With regard to the name of this place, it maintains that the place was originally known as Boonapur and when Udham Singh envisaged the plan to develop it, it was renamed after his name.

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